
Calling all (wannabe) heart centred entrepreneurs & play advocates;

Learn exactly how to set up and run successful kids play classes with purpose even if you have never did yoga or have no  business background

You do not have to be a mindfulness expert, trained with yogi gurus in far exotic lands, or embarked in retreats where you meditated for a month to make a difference, be a good person or create an impact in this life.

You don’t have to spend thousands of pounds doing courses, degrees or retreats to be mindful in your day to day life and create classes kids will love and want to come back to time and time again.

I am a regular mum, with an Allied Health Care background, no official business training and saw that our newest & littlest generations and their families need spaces to play, connect and be.  And I created it.

Pretzel Play’s success to date is through the success of its graduates- I promise there is a way for you to create your own successful kids play classes with purpose – it is really possible and I am here to help guide and advise you as you embark on this amazing, transformative journey. 

We have taught over 800 people in the  foundation training and over 40 women from Ireland, UK & Europe have completed this Masterclass training to learn how to set up and  run kids play classes with purpose.

Start Today!

️Sign up ️to our  self paced online accredited training where you will learn exactly how to set up and run kids play classes with purpose and start your journey to be a heart centred entrepreneur.

Using the tried and tested (by over 2000 kids) Pretzel Play Pedagogy, you will be provided  an abundance of information, knowledge, skills, tools and techniques through this interactive, engaging and thought provoking accredited training. I do not hold back, and share everything I know, use and have learned.

I want you to have so much fire in your tummy during this transformative training, that you will be so inspired and energised to set up and launch  kids play classes with purpose STRAIGHT AWAY.  This course over delivers in content, advice and information, yet is priced so competitively so it can be accessed  by all; including those of you who are cautious, yet know and want credible, knowledge backed information and learning in an accredited course. This is it!!

Sign up now for only £39!

We are so confident in this training and information that we offer a FULL refund upto  24 Hours after purchase.

No Questions asked

When you sign up to enroll and complete one of our accredited  trainings, you remain in the Pretzel Play Academy where you can benefit from lifetime access to all our resources in the facebook group and email updates 

You will be  supported, cheered on and encouraged from the moment you enrol and throughout your learning experience.  We continually develop and create additional resources and tools to meet your queries and feedback to continually improve the learning, growing & creation experience.

We believe in sharing everything, nothing is held back so we can provide you with all the knowledge and skills so you go off, thrive and make an IMPACT in your area with kids & families. Find out more about why our graduates love us by visiting our testimonials page.

‘It is a happy talent to know how to play’


Click here to download our information training pack to give you the low down – background and details about the training and why it is so worth doing!

Module based interactive training that you do at your own pace which also includes additional professionally recorded videos, reading material and pdf downloads

Entry into the private  facebook group which is your own virtual group of co workers  via the other graduates and students to share ideas, inspiration and wins

Downloadable Training Manual packed full of additional material, resources, activities and information

Online support from the Pretzel Play Team to  help with all you queries, questions or issues

Additional FREE Bonuses:

🌟 Free self development tool

🌟 Free guided meditation script

🌟 Free class plan template

Sign up now ️and invest in this unbelievable offer of only £39!


Before I tell you all about this life–changing, opportunity igniting training, let’s talk about who this is really for:

This training is for people who care about our future generations – you want to offer a space that allows children (and their families) to learn skills, tools and activities that will enhance their life by providing a tool belt to help navigate childhood right through to adulthood and all the adversity that naturally happens in a lifetime.

This training is for you if you have always wanted to have your own business/side hustle but have limited to no business background or knowledge but know deep down you have the skills and passion to make a difference

The term ‘Heart Centred Entrepreneur’ sings to your bones and you want to be this. You want to make a difference, you know play is the vessel of life and you want to create a business where you serve families in your area all while receiving an additional income.

You’re a heart centred person, with no shortage of creativity or fun, who wants to make a difference in your local community with families and their children. 

This training is ideal for mums who want an income that flows along side family life, or teachers who want to offer classes and workshops that compliment and weave into the school holiday or school year. Its for people who work or volunteer with children and their families and want an additional  income stream. Its for those who offer holistic, wellbeing services and want additional training to create more opportunities and clients.

This training will also guide and push you, through self reflection, inner child connection and awareness. Many who complete the training report that they go through vast changes, embrace the inner work and find they use the tools learned themselves in their own lives. This acclaimed training teaches you that its ok to be afraid, its ok to have failure- that failure is only feedback and nothing more. The mantra ‘Feel the fear & find your brave’ is one I encourage you to adopt on this journey. Everything we do we learn, grow and adapt. There is no right or wrong, just reflection and growth.

You are so ready to build a heart centred entrepreneurial business  that allows you to impact infinitely more lives,  create additional income, and work this around your life all while playing, growing and expanding as a person. You want to make a difference in your life and that of others that aligns with who you are as a person. You want to have opportunities to offer classes that create a positive change and provide you with an additional income to enhance your life. You want a job that is fun, playful and provides you income and flexibility to love what you do; to give you passion, excitement and happiness.

It is my soul purpose to make this an exciting, fun, interesting experience that will leave you so excited and motivated to get started straight away with a fire in your tummy that you cannot ignore. I am so passionate about this and want you to go on and succeed and love what you do while making a real impact in the lives of children.

This Interactive Training on how to set up & run kids play classes with purpose is ideal if you:

🌟 Already own or work with kids in your own business

🌟 If you run holistic or wellbeing classes and want to offer classes to children & families

🌟 If you wish to start running children’s classes in your area

🎉🎉 This course will teach you how to feel the fear and find your brave. To do what you know deep down you are worthy and deserving of doing. You were drawn here as you are interested in working with families and children, making a difference in your local area and getting paid to do this. This training is going  to show you how exactly to do this.🎉🎉

We have already trained people from an array of different backgrounds, including creche worker, teachers and student teachers, educators, drama teachers, reflexologists and those with a real interest in this space of children’s wellbeing and play.

 “One of the best trainings out there, so detailed and easy to learn and most importantly fun!”

“ Tara I am still buzzing from today, I can’t stop thinking of all the ideas. I can’t wait to start, you have been so inspiring. Thank- you” 

If you want a credible training, tried and tested methods that, at the end, show you how to set up and run a business that you can run when it suits you and your lifestyle, makes an impact and provides additional financial income then this is the course!!!


We teach you a tried and tested 4 stage approach in this Training that gives you tools, props, activities and games to run engaging play based classes with purpose

✨ Connection & Warm Up

✨ Poses, Postures & Games

✨ Creativity, Craft & Imagination

✨ Rest, relaxation, calm, meditation


All the theory and learning  for this training is taught to you online via evidence based lectures that draw on Tara-Lea’s experience and background of teaching to over 2000 children in a range of settings, localities and backgrounds.

The training is divided into modules that are professionally recorded, that you work through at your own time that fits in with your current life and commitments.  The full time 

equivalent of a 2 day course incorporating all pre work reading, additional learning material and certification submission. As part of this training, you are required to submit your own teaching plan using the Pretzel Play method and record a video of up 10 minutes of you taking a (virtual) class.

There are also ongoing self reflective practice and worksheets to build on your own skills, self belief, confidence, Knowledge and interests. Once you have completed the above, and sent them to Pretzel Play Headquarters you will then receive feedback and your certificate. You will need to ensure you have full insurance (public liability and indemnity) as well as an enhanced working with children police check in place before launching your classes and being endorsed by Pretzel Play.

On completion of the training, participants will be able to use the concepts, knowledge and information taught and shown within their own individual businesses or organisations or start their own business.  The training will provide you with ways to deliver Pretzel Play concepts to the children you work with.  You will also go on a journey of self discovery and tap into your own inner child and innate sovereignty, your individual skills and uniqueness. In order to run successful play classes with purpose and teach these lifelong tools to our future generations, we need to live by them too. No prior yoga or mindfulness  experience is required

Upon completion of this course, you can start teaching straight away. You will be amazed at how the course applies to all areas of your life and the positive impact you will have on you, your life and the next generation!

Yes, that’s right-With this training,  you will be able to  start making an additional income by setting up and running classes STRAIGHT AWAY.  

The fire in your tummy will  be roaring at all the opportunities you will have;

Classes either face to face or online

Specific workshops for children, families, schools snd education settings

Blocks of classes for various age groups running throughout the year

Confidence in yourself and your own individual skills, talents snd interests and knowing how to waeve this into classes kids will love

Tapping into your own inner child, learning tools and techniques to manage your own triggers to create a life of abundance, happiness and creativity through play. You will learn things about yourself you never even knew, and grow and develop personally and in your entrepreneurial journey

Excitement in your role, where it never really feels like work as you love what you do

We are so confident of this training and information that we offer a FULL refund upto  24 Hours after purchase

No Questions asked

Sign up now!

So I am inviting  you to move forward, knowing I’m here to support you and come join the other Graduates making an impact worldwide. I will guide you on this journey knowing that it’s ok to feel the fear, you will find you brave and go forward to for amazing things.

Feel the Fear & Find your brave

If you are ready, ️sign up ️here for immediate  access to the training for only £39

Play is our brain's favorite way of learning.