The Petite Play Programme
The goal of the Petite Programme is to allow you to create classes for children 1-4 years with their parents or care givers, which promotes holistic play combining yoga play, mindfulness, meditation and free play
The goal of the Petite Programme is to allow you to create classes for children 1-4 years with their parents or care givers, which promotes holistic play combining yoga play, mindfulness, meditation and free play
The goal of the Petite Programme is to allow you to create classes for children 1-4 years with their parents or care givers, which promotes holistic play combining yoga play, mindfulness, meditation and free play
The Petite Programme is accredited by the international Practitioners of Holistic Medicine and is approximately a 4-hour interactive training over 5 modules, with some pre and post learning and reading totalling approx. 10 hours.
You can take these concepts and ideas and immerse them into play groups, mother and toddler settings, creches, nurseries or run classes yourself during the week, as a weekend special for working parents or add the elements to your already established kids activities you may run.
The Petite programme is an accredited programme we have created for women who wants to create holistic play classes where children will have opportunities to have play and presence with their parents or care givers (ages 1-4 years), nurturing the whole child. We draw on elements of yoga play, breath, presence, song, movement and holistic play.
This training is accredited and builds on the Pretzel Play Pedagogy- Completion on the Foundation Training ‘An Introduction to Kids Yoga Concepts and Mindfulness Meditation’ is a pre requisite. Available for digital viewing on the website.
We want to emphasise the importance of nature and providing classes rich in natural materials and outdoors if possible.
We want to create communities where parents and care givers can attend weekly classes, weekend workshops or one off seasonal events with their children. We want these gatherings to have open hearts, busy hands, inquisitive minds while immersing mother natures materials rich in raw beauty, textures, scents, tastes and sounds.
We want parents and care givers to know that by attending these classes, they will be immersing themselves into a holistic play space using yoga concepts, nature, mindful play activities that support presence through play. These classes are offering environments where parents and care givers can attend with their littlest ones knowing they will be given opportunities to explore and play that is difficult to set up in a home environment.